Faces that want peace | Fox News | Mexico
“Inside Out Project” is the face of those who want a better country, to promoting peace, those who help others and for those who do something to care for their environment.
In short, is the face of all who contribute something positive to improve where they live.
For that reason, “Inside Out Project” beyond the borders of countries in an attempt to infect people around the world the good ideas and actions through photographs. Victor Gonzalez Suarez Esquivel and Robin Canul project coordinators in Yucatan and Campeche, respectively, explain that this is a worldwide movement that launched the French artist JR and for which an international institution awarded a prize in 2011.
The project involves taking photographs of the face of black and white people, and they add in an attitude or action that they themselves do to improve their country.
At pictured are required to fill out a form in giving permission for the use of the image to the project and which also answers the question: What are you doing to change daily action to Mexico?
Is the answer to this question which is added to each picture.
Regional coordinators of this project indicate that people referred from voluntary work in different areas to care for the environment, it is that everyone makes known the attitude or action that leads to the end to make Mexico and the world at large a better place and peace.
So portrays everyone makes some contribution, no matter their age, sex, social status or skin color. Everyone is welcome to the project.
In Merida for a month 10 photographers and coordinators, have captured images in different spaces. Today is the last day to do as they continue with another step .
The next step is to print photos in large format and use them to intervene public spaces where people can view them as messages. Above is expected to be carried after 21 and 22 September, the first day part of the World Day of Peace.
Eight cities
In total 20 participating countries. In Mexico, the cities where it is carried within the project are the metropolis, which also collects all the material, Campeche, Cancun, Chihuahua, Ciudad Juarez, Monterrey, Guadalajara and Merida. All images are in black and white, and only faces.
In the Yucatan Peninsula is expected to collect 100 photos.
In each of the participating cities will be made interventions with the images on 21 September. In the case of Mérida is not yet defined the place, however one of the next task is to manage to the authorities for permission to work in the spaces.
It also seeks sponsorship from businesses and individuals to print the photos in large format, as shown in the original project. – Iris Ceballos Margarita Alvarado iris@megamedia.com.mx
Project | More
Today at 12 noon promoters of “Inside Out Project” take pictures.
Where and who In the Plaza Grande, to all persons who wish and have a positive action or to share.
You can learn more on Facebook: Inside Out Mexico and on Twitter: @ InsideOutMexico. The participatory art initiative seeks positive change.
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