Brisbane | Australia

Group Leaders : Tarjani Pilkington | Billie Miroak

[column width=”45%” padding=”5%”]Tarjani Pilkington


Historically mass changes occur when the people come together.  In caring for the longevity of our planet we need to bring the public together to join our hearts and minds on solutions to reduce the effect of climate change.  This project provides the opportunity for the people to have their voice heard in a peaceful movement and to unite under their cause.  We are standing on the midst of a revolution, and my voice will be heard amongst the people
 Tarjani has background in managing people. Tarjani has worked in an emergency call centre for six years, co-ordinating a team taking calls that deal with life and death situations on a daily basis. She works with developing and fostering new staff and her current team to be able to handle the high pressure situations that they may be faced with. Tarjani is currently studying journalism as an avenue for her to pursue ambitions in writing and raising awareness on global issues.


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Billie Miroak



Being part of this project provides an avenue for expression in unity with others which has the power to gain attention. Taking a global stand using global action we become a mighty energy for the creation of positive change that will continue to ripple through many others, sowing seeds of empowerment and excitement for possibilities that may feel impossible to attain. Advocating for the care of our planet, giving voice and a human face to the problems our environment is experiencing helps me share the awareness that all our actions create change, no matter how big or small.
Billie is a passionate community advocate with a background in environmental tourism. Billie has worked in Far North Queensland for the past five years spending three of these living and working where the rainforest meets the sea – the Daintree World Heritage Area. Despite a fulfilling career in tourism, Billie has redirected her focus towards working with young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. She is currently studying a Masters Degree in Guidance Counselling at James Cook University, and spends much of her time facilitating and running community projects.

Billie recently completed her work as a Peer Educator with Youth Link, a local service provider that incorporates early intervention, harm minimisation, and empowerment through a variety of strategies for young people. During this time she was able to successfully complete the ‘Inside Out Project Cairns’ which provided a positive platform of self expression for young people who are at risk of experiencing homelessness.
With her genuine care for both people and the environment, Billie continues to work within the local community in ways that promote community cohesiveness and social inclusion.
