Group Leaders: Hela Ammar & Wassim Ghozlani & Aziz Tnani
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Hela Ammar
Héla Ammar s’inscrit dans la lignée de cette nouvelle génération d’artistes dont la démarche exprime souvent une dualité intérieure, sociale et culturelle dans leur quête d’identité. Née à Tunis le 02 Juin 1969, elle vit et travaille à Sidi Bou Said. Elle s’inspire directement de ses expériences quotidiennes, de sa vie, de sa façon de communiquer pour apporter sa vision sur des sujets tels que l’image et l’identité féminine dans les cultures arabes méditerranéennes. Depuis 2003, elle expose régulièrement en solo et en groupe en Tunisie et ailleurs. Elle a aprticipé au projet Inside Out Tunisie en compagnie de JR en 2011. Ses œuvres ont également été présentées à des Foires et Salons d’Art Contemporain tels que Marrakech Art Fair 2010, Dream City tunisie 2010, ArtDubai 08, ARTMAR2007, Biennale de Barcelone, Espagne 2007, ArtParis-AbuDhabi 2007, Emirates Palace, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Salon International d’Art contemporain, Grenoble 2006, Montreux Art Gallery 2006, Rencontres d’Art contemporain, Genève2005. e
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Wassim Ghozlan
Born in northern Tunisia in 1986, Wassim Ghozlan is a photographer who lives and works in Tunis. He started photography in 2009 after an experience of graphic designer who will give him probably this sense of framing and balance of a work. He exposes for the first time in a collective dedicated to the music. His creations are noticed in succession. Wassim is also the founder of the first Tunisian platform for the promotion of photography (, in which he manages the publication and the technical coordination, he collaborated, during a workshop with renowned photographers as Josef Koudelka or Patrick Zachkman, Magnum Photo, he will be confronted by them in the wisdom of his approach and the quality of his creations. In 2011, he obtains the special mention of the jury for the Prize Arte/Cutlog on the occasion of the Parisian week dedicated to the contemporary Art. Wassim Ghozlani can already be proud of one pleiads of exhibitions all over the world in 2010 and 2011. he will be addressing topics as varied as the images in black and white offering a detached view of Tunisia that runs from north to south, testimonies of the revolution to support the actors of the change; staged to highlight deviant behavior by his contemporaries.
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Aziz Tnani
Changing the world is not quite easy, but I always believed that in this world, each and every effort counts. I want to change the world and I will change the world.Aziz Tnani is a photographer and a freelance consultant in IT, he lives and works in Tunisia. Aziz is also a traveler and he likes to meet people and their diversity