Aveiro | Portugal

Group Leaders: Nataša Gološin Cester Costa | Andre Cester Costa 

This project idea was everything that we agree with, so it was natural to say YES, WE ARE IN! Our idea is that art is for everyone, and everyone should be able to reach it, and that s why we find InsideOut project so important. We also think that our world needs a change, and so, we want to be that change! And then, why not giving a chance to 500 people to experience the possibility of changing the world… So we did it..! We decided to travel around Portugal, spread the word about the project and collect 500 photos that we will paste in Aveiro. We spoke to male and female, to poor and rich, to young and old, to believers and atheists… And most of them actually wanted to be the change. So we knew we took the right way… And we ll keep doing it! We believe that with the actions like this, we actually can be that change!

[column width=”45%” padding=”5%”]Nataša Gološin Cester Costa

From docks of Danube in Belgrade Natasa arrived to the banks of Ria of Aveiro in 2008. She has been writing since she learnt how to write, and from 2002 she was doing it as a journalist, being mostly dedicated to social features. Worked for Ringier, Swiss media enterprise, published dozens of travelling articles for different media, and more recently has been discovering how she could make the city where she lives, in this case Aveiro, a better place. With these intentions, she has co-founded Agora Aveiro, an NGO that promotes an active citizenship and also devoted herself to organization of TEDx events in Aveiro. She’s an information-addict who loves to read and travel, loves walking around cemeteries and open markets, different cultures, extreme sports and warm waters of Adriatic Sea. Graduated in political sciences. Married.


[column width=”45%” padding=”5%”]Andre  Cester Costa

Born in Aveiro, where I still live, this is my harbour to explore the world. I Graduated in Management and Planning in Tourism and pos-graduated in Innovations and Development Policies at the University of Aveiro, I started my career at “PDA- Parque Desportivo de Aveiro”, as a part of a team that developed the 240 hectares Plan for PDA. In 2004 I was the Assistant Venue Manager at the Municipal Stadium of Aveiro during UEFA EURO 2004, working closely with the Tournament Director, and between 2005 and 2007 I lectured the discipline of “Event Planning” at the Specialization Course “Organisation and Event Management” at the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco. Since 2004 I was responsible for the management of co-financed projects by the EU in the municipality of Aveiro. In August 2007 I was appointed as Coordinator of the Economic Development and Structural Funds Office at the Municipality of Aveiro.
Parallel to my professional career I’ve been participating as a volunteer in some local projects in the areas of poverty, NGOs, human rights and sports. In 2010 I co-founded the Youth Association “AGOR@ – Association for the Promotion of Active Citizens”. Since 2010 I have been one of the organizers of TEDxAveiro and TEDxYouth@Aveiro.
